
Curtis/English Dictionary

March 2000

Stop, nnnoo - I guess he hears me!
Up,(with pointing)- Put me there
Off - Turn this on, take this off, open this up
Seerul - Cereal
Mik - Milk
Cookie - same
Sighde - Outside
Lehs go - Let's go
Ouse - house
Ay oh - I love you
Stowee - Story
Teebee - Television
Booz Cooz - Blue's Clues
Steve & Boo - Steve and Blue (see above)
Stweet - Sesame Street
Swinnin yeah - Let's go to the park (Swinging, yeah!)
Swide - Slide
Box- same
Chicken - same
Crayenz - Crayons
Paypah - Paper
Dinnah - Dinner
Iss weigh - This way
Suhcle - Circle
Twi - Triangle
Squahe - Square
Baff - Bath
Trux - Trucks
Cahz - Cars
Getting really good at the alphabet and starting to learn numbers. Getting better at colors.
Knows these animals and their noises:
duck, doggie, ki-kat, ehphant, buhd, cow, fish, orse, pig, shee, rion
And of course, he knows Baby!

October 1999

Ice en no - I said no (I guess I say it a lot!)
Noh, noh, noh (with shaking head) - That's not what I want
Nno - Nose
Mou - Mouth
Toh - Toes
Eye - same
Cow - same
Mooh - Moo, see cow
Sall gone - It's all gone
Dowen, pease - Put me down, please or Bring that down, please
Learning Numbers and Letters
Spoon - same
Cah - Car
Buh - Bubbles
Ear gowes - There it goes; Here it comes
Uh, Oh - same
Toise - Toys
Fohn - Phone
Ello - Hello, see phone
Boog - Book
Typical Sentence:
Aerpwaine!! Ear gowes, Es Gone, Where go? Bye, Bye

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